
Interested in composting, but don’t want to pay for doorstep service, drive to a distant municipal drop-off, or compost all of your organics yourself? The ReCollective, in partnership with Toward Zero Waste, has recently launched Community Compost! Transform food scraps into Community Impact, with convenient drop-off locations right in your neighborhood. Community Compost members can optionally add discounted hard-to-recycle home pickup. To learn more, including if Community Compost is available in your area, schedule time with The ReCollective’s team to discuss your community’s needs.

Contact Megan Holler for more information:

Megan Holler
Megan HollerDirector of Food Recovery & Compost

Megan Holler is the Cary Community Director and Director of Food Recovery and Composting for Toward Zero Waste. Megan holds her Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy Studies from Duke University, a Master of Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a Master of Healthcare Administration from Pfeiffer University. After 10 years in healthcare social work, Megan shifted her work pursuits to her other passion – the environment. With two young children at home, she started down the “toward zero waste” path after seeing all the extra waste children’s products can generate. From there it was a slippery slope to reducing, reusing, recycling, and letting rot, whenever, and wherever, possible. With TZW since 2019, Megan has collaborated with the Town of Cary on its Food Waste Recycling Drop-Offs, consulted with numerous Wake County PTAs on their organics diversion initiatives, led the partnership effort for The ReCollective’s Community Compost program, and worked diligently to bring a food recovery program to Wake County public schools. Megan loves sharing zero waste ideas and concepts, including the range of options that exists, to family, friends, neighbors, and anyone else who will listen!