North Carolina silhouette

Dedicated to promoting waste-conscious living in North Carolina through inspiration, education, and action.

Zero Waste Trash Jar
Trash Jar

What does it mean to be Zero Waste?

It’s not really about a jar (seriously!).

Instead, think of Zero Waste as a goal to always being ‘Waste Conscious’. Becoming aware of the waste that we create, combined with the conscious effort to reduce it, is an empowering step to the reduction of overall waste in our communities. By moving ‘Toward Zero Waste’ together, we can decrease landfill space, our carbon footprint on the Earth, and have a positive effect on the environment and our future.

Our Zero Waste Vision:

Toward Zero Waste North Carolina is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that envisions a state free of unnecessary waste, where individuals, families, businesses, and local governments are mindful of the resources they use, the waste they create, and emissions they produce; where reuse, refill, repair, composting, renewable energy, and zeroing emissions are the norm. We see a North Carolina where Zero Waste is no longer a concept, but the culture of our community!

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Our Impact

Pounds of Food Waste Collected*

{{Pounds of Food Scraps Collected}}

Estimated Pounds of Compost Received by Community Partners*

{{Estimated Pounds of Compost Received by Community Partners}}

*Data from the Town of Cary and Midtown Farmers Market.

Number of Reusable Bags Made

{{Number of Bags Made}}

Upcoming Events

Greenish Neighbor logo

Looking for a way to support local North Carolina green business?

Greenish Neighbor and Toward Zero Waste are partnering to provide the NC Green Business Directory. Find out how you can support your local green businesses!

Toward Zero Waste Makers Group Logo

Interested in becoming a maker?

Our makers group tackles zero waste by making their own, repurposing, repairing, and teaching others.

Recent Posts From Our Blog

Watch us on YouTube

See our new podcast series: Teens Talk Trash!

Our first episode discusses biomimicry in relation to sustainability.

You can also listen to this podcast on our new spotify account!

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