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Category: social

Wine + Weeds Social

Join us and other volunteers for Raleigh City Farm’s weekly Wine + Weeds social weeding party that stewards the gardens on the Farm. Meet us in front of the red farmer shed at 6pm, then raise a compostable cup (or BYO glass) of wine (provided by Raleigh City Farm and sourced from their neighbor, Wine [...]

By |April 18th, 2023|Categories: |Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Toward Zero Waste Volunteer Social

Want to connect with other like-minded people? Join us for our upcoming volunteer social! It is an opportunity to get together and talk about the fun and challenges of moving toward zero waste.  Also learn how others (and potentially you) can help change the culture to make low-waste living approachable and achievable for everyone. This [...]

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