Please join Toward Zero Waste’s first Teens Talk where our panelists will share ideas for ways to talk to people about the environment and the impacts of climate change. Our panelists will be a variety of young adults from Triangle-area environmental clubs as well as environmental activists.
This event is targeted to middle and high school students who are interested in learning more about the importance of talking about environmental issues as well as the best strategies for having healthy, productive conversations.
Please register via Zoom for this free event.
Check out our Teens Talk Resource page for links and videos on how to talk with family, friends and others about environmental issues.
Organizer & Moderator
Shriya Nanugonda
Hey! My name is Shriya Nanugonda and I am a Junior at Raleigh Charter High School. I am an avid binge watcher and play sports such as soccer and track. I first started working with Toward Zero Waste as part of my gold award for Girl Scouts. I created a page where kids can learn about zero waste and the environmental problems we all face. After all my research and meetings, I realized communication is an important part of environmental advocacy and decided to help create these seminars.
Logan Mossbarger
I‘m a Zero Waste Wolfpack Intern with the Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling at North Carolina State University. In this position, I have worked on a number of initiatives throughout the campus to both educate students and change the waste management infrastructure on NC State’s campus. I perform waste audits, work with our social media, and perform a number of other tasks all centered around our waste management system. On top of that, I am a senior studying a dual degree in Sustainable Material & Technology and Environmental Technology & Management. Kind of a long dual degree name but to put it simply I’m studying all aspects of sustainability and how that relates to environmental quality/protection. Connect with us @NCStateRecycles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & TikTok!
Sami Bommu
Hi! My name is Sami Bommu and I’m a Junior at Panther Creek High School. I enjoy exploring the environment and its effects on the human body. I was part of the volunteer program at UNC REX where I helped in the Childcare Development Center. I have been a part of Cary Teen Council for five years and I am currently the representative for the Environmental Advisory Board. For the past two years, I have been researching the effects of nutritional deficiencies on pregnant women in developing countries. This has allowed me to understand the environmental burdens that affect low-income and high-income neighborhoods disproportionately. I hope to double major in Environmental Health and Computer Science in college.
Aida Guo
Aida Guo is a junior and the President of Environmental club at Green Level High School. Her interest in the environment and climate change began with reading a New York Times article describing how Shanghai (where her much of her family lives) would be underwater by 2050. Now she is passionate about fighting environmental racism and for climate justice.
Prerana Prabhushankar
Prerana Prabhushankar is a current Senior at Enloe High School in Raleigh. She has been with Alliance for Climate Education since her junior year, and she has also been involved with NC Warn and Earth Uprising Chapel Hill. Two of her favorite memories are writing 400 post cards to unregistered voters to encourage them to vote for a climate friendly planet through the ENOUGH! Campaign and hosting a climate justice webinar with NC Warn.
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