Category: Holidays
7 Tips For A Zero-Waste Easter
originally published on the East Coast Zero blog. Once again, another holiday is fast approaching, and with it comes plenty of unnecessary waste and consumerism. But don’t fret! There are many things you can do to reduce your waste this Easter (or Passover, or any other spring celebration or holiday you may partake in). As [...]
Your returned gifts might not end up back on a shelf!
By: Greg Couch Like millions of other Americans, I spent part of the day after Christmas braving traffic and crowds to do a little shopping. My trip had nothing to do with returning a gift, instead, I thought I would spend part of my day doing a few projects around the [...]
Focusing on the Thanks-Giving
I love the English language, but specifically I love to take words and break them down to get a new meaning out of them. For instance, wonderful becomes wonder-full. I love the way it makes me take the time to look at things a little differently. And now we’re in the season of Thanks-giving. [...]
Moving Toward a Zero Waste Halloween
Living a Toward Zero Waste lifestyle - which includes reducing the amount of trash you produce - doesn’t mean you have to forfeit Halloween, a notoriously trash-producing and expensive day. According to, Halloween spending in 2015 reached about $6.9 billion, or $74.34 per person. For one night?! Yikes. Here’s a handy guide to incorporating [...]