Category: Holiday Tips
New Year Bingo Challenge
TZW New Year Bingo Challenge Is it your New Year's resolution to create less trash? Join Toward Zero Waste in starting the New Year off right with our 2021 Bingo Challenge. This challenge is designed to help us all take small steps to make a big difference! Submit your [...]
All That Holiday Wrapping! (don’t rush to recycle)
When all the gifts have been opened in a flurry of excitement, one can find oneself surrounded by a sea of crumpled wrapping paper, ribbons, boxes, packaging materials, and a question: what to do with all that mess?! Some of what you will be able to do with it comes down [...]
tips for a zero-waste valentine’s day
By: Maria of Karamia Events This post was updated on Feb. 4, 2021 and published on KaraMia Events, and is republished here with permission from the author. Valentine’s Day can easily be chocked up to being a consumer-driven Hallmark-holiday that feels exclusionary for some and inherently bad for [...]
7 Tips For A Zero-Waste Easter
originally published on the East Coast Zero blog. Once again, another holiday is fast approaching, and with it comes plenty of unnecessary waste and consumerism. But don’t fret! There are many things you can do to reduce your waste this Easter (or Passover, or any other spring celebration or holiday you may partake in). As [...]
Moving Toward a Zero Waste Halloween
Living a Toward Zero Waste lifestyle - which includes reducing the amount of trash you produce - doesn’t mean you have to forfeit Halloween, a notoriously trash-producing and expensive day. According to, Halloween spending in 2015 reached about $6.9 billion, or $74.34 per person. For one night?! Yikes. Here’s a handy guide to incorporating [...]