About the Author: Samantha Carson

Samantha Carson has a Bachelor of Arts in English from Campbell University and a Master of Science in Translation from New York University. She has held various roles in the nonprofit and for-profit sectors. Although she has always enjoyed being outdoors, it wasn’t until she read Braiding Sweetgrass by Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer and Burnout by Dr. Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski that she began to consider how individuals can impact climate change by caring for their own little parts of the world. She stumbled on Toward Zero Waste while searching for ways to care for hers and is thrilled to join the work, first as a volunteer and then as Co-Executive Director.

Tax Credits: Does Your New EV Qualify?

July 5, 2024. It's a date that, well, most Americans probably paid little attention to. Whether they marked it or not, however, it's a date that may have a sizable impact on their finances. It's the day new rules went into effect in the US Treasury regulations to make financial incentives stronger for [...]

By |August 26th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Finances, Technology|0 Comments

Local Small Business Green Waste Company Turns Your Food Waste Into Compost

When I was growing up, I spent a great deal of time at my grandparents' house. They taught me the basics of gardening and caring for our small patch of the world around us, and I have tried to emulate them in my own life. However, they had one practice that I have [...]

Who’s Responsible for This Thing? From Design to Disposal, EPR Says Manufacturers Are

There is an idea gaining traction around the world: manufacturers should be held responsible for designing products that use less plastic and harmful materials, and for disposing of them when they reach their end of life. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws are the embodiment of this concept, and they are becoming more popular [...]

By |March 7th, 2024|Categories: trash, Zero Waste|0 Comments

Cary Expands Food Waste Drop-Off Program With New Mills Park Collection Site

Composting just got more convenient for Cary citizens with the opening of a second food waste recycling drop-off site located at Mills Park, 425 Mills Park Dr. Cary is teaming up with Toward Zero Waste to help promote the drop-off by providing on-site education and leading online workshops. Citizens using the Mills Park site [...]

By |February 14th, 2024|Categories: Composting, Food Waste, TZW in the News|0 Comments

The Right to Repair: Why It Matters and What You Can Do About It

When was the last time you fixed a broken item? Chances are that if it was a relatively new product, especially an electronic device, it wasn’t recently. Why? Because many manufacturers today oppose the Right to Repair. What Is the Right to Repair? The Right to Repair is exactly what it sounds like. [...]

By |January 22nd, 2024|Categories: Featured, Repair, The 5 R's (Plus), Zero Waste|1 Comment
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