How might West Virginia v. EPA Affect your Air Quality
On June 30th, 2022 the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) announced a decision for the West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) case that severely reduced the ability of the agency to regulate power plants. SCOTUS ruled that the EPA had taken action outside of their jurisdiction in West [...]
Am I Recycling Correctly?
A few common misconceptions and pointers about the practice of recycling A few months ago, I opened my pantry door and threw a plastic container in my family's recycling container. As I turned around and shut the door, I noticed an inquisitive look on my sister’s face. [...]
What is Sustainability?
Sustainability is one of my favorite words in the English language. If you knew me personally, you might say I use it too much. I’m not the only one either. In recent years, the word has been used to describe various products and services in environmental circles and beyond. While sustainability [...]
How Does the Russia-Ukraine War Affect Food Supply?
In the months since Russia invaded Ukraine on Thursday, February 24th, most of us have read many articles about what the fallout of this massive geopolitical event would be. Alliance, human rights, and economic impacts have been extensively covered in the news. Beneath all of these important issues, the ongoing conflict has taught [...]
How Does Gen Z View the Climate Crisis? A peek inside the minds of youth
Jump to TakeawaysI was seventeen years old when the true weight of the environmental crisis hit me. I sat in the back of my environmental science class completely shocked. That day, we had taken our carbon footprint quiz. Yes, I had grown up knowing the problems my generation would face. Yes, I was aware [...]