Thank You Spa Retreat Cary!
A big thank you to Spa Retreat Cary, who will be donating 10% of the proceeds from their Spring Featured services to Toward Zero Waste! Spa Retreat Cary has been a long time supporter of Toward Zero Waste and is an environmentally friendly, beautiful, and calming place with a fantastic staff. From their website [...]
TZW in the Cary Citizen: Cutting Out Plastic Cutlery Waste in Cary
Thanks to Ashley Kairis for her article highlighting TZW volunteer Kaley Cross and her efforts to bring attention to single-use plastic waste.
New Year Bingo Challenge
TZW New Year Bingo Challenge Is it your New Year's resolution to create less trash? Join Toward Zero Waste in starting the New Year off right with our 2021 Bingo Challenge. This challenge is designed to help us all take small steps to make a big difference! Submit [...]
TZW in the Cary Citizen: Reducing Waste on Local Levels Inspires Cary Non-Profit
Thanks to Ashley Kairis for her excellent article featuring Toward Zero Waste and also bringing awareness to the impact we can have on local environmental issues!
Midtown Magazine profile
Thanks to Midtown Magazine for featuring local Triangle sustainability efforts including zero waste and our founders Leigh Williams and Dargan Gilmore! The full article by Mick Schulte can be found here.