Sign The Pledge!

Everyday in the US alone, half a billion non-recyclable plastic straws get used once and tossed, ending up in landfills and littering our streets, waterways and beaches. But they don’t have to!
Toward Zero Waste is joining the stand against the unnecessary use of plastic straws to raise awareness about the bigger issue of single-use plastics. We feel that the overuse of the disposable plastic straw represents the larger problem of plastic pollution, and that awareness of plastic straw use will lead individuals to think about their disposable plastics use. Most single-use disposable plastics have a working life of 15 minutes but a lifespan of upwards of 450 years that is usually spent in landfills or as litter in our oceans and environment. Our hope is that raising awareness of plastic straws will get folks thinking about whether they really need the single-use plastics in their lives. That answer might be yes, but at least it will not be a mindless yes.
It is not our intention to ban plastic straws or to shame anyone for using them. Many folks may need them for various reasons, and while we feel that in most cases, alternatives can be found, that may not always be the case. We encourage straw-free restaurants and patrons to be considerate of the needs of others while moving toward a more sustainable future
Restaurant Owners and Managers!
Join other Cary restaurants by making the commitment to reduce single-use plastic straw usage for the month of July. Participating businesses will be promoted at the screening event and on social media.
Tickets for this FREE event can be reserved at EventBrite
Tickets for this FREE event can be reserved at EventBrite
Fill out the Pledge below to let us know that your business will be participating in #StrawFreeJuly! After submitting your pledge, we will add your name to the list below and promote via our social media platforms. Be sure to also check out our Resource section below, to find links to help with your straw-free pledge!
Straw Free July Pledge
Resources for businesses and restaurants to help make the straw free pledge
Swap your Straw at
A list of plastic straw alternatives, from bamboo to glass, along with links to where to purchase.